All donations will go towards
863 Elite Event Center!
All donations will go towards
863 Elite Event Center!
We are participating in an InstaRaise product and donation fundraiser to be able to have the facilities and equipment needed to provide the best experience for our athletes at 863 Elite Event Center! To support these amazing athletes, please make a purchase and/or a donation to help them achieve our goal. As well as supporting with a purchase or donation, please SHARE this link, TEXT this link, and EMAIL this link to everyone you know! Your support is appreciated!
Thank you!
At 863 ELITE EVENT CENTER, we are a team of passionate sports enthusiasts who are dedicated to helping athletes achieve their goals. Our mission is to enrich our community by providing a safe and exciting youth sports opportunity and environment to every athlete possible in the central florida area. With the power of youth sports to teach them life lessons that build stronger individuals in our community.
Year one of 863 Elite Volleyball Academy was amazing. We accomplished so much as a first year club and we’re excited to see what the future holds for us as we continue to set the Elite standard in Polk County, Florida.
863 Elite Volleyball is blessed to have the opportunities and space with our current facility partners, All Saints Academy and Highlands Church of Christ. It’s no secret though that finding a facility has been our vision since inception. We are now in year two and it’s time to move towards achieving a goal in creating an “ELITE” atmosphere in Polk County for our young athletes.
Our plan is to create 863 Elite Event Center, a fully non-profit organization facility.
863 Elite Event Center will hold at least 4 courts but not limited to. The courts will be used for volleyball and basketball. Within the center will be a pro shop and meeting rooms to be utilized for multi purpose events.
863 Elite Event Center’s focus is to house 863 Elite Volleyball Academy giving our athletes a place to train and call home; while also allowing schools and organizations the ability to use space when and if needed as scheduling permits. As well as hosting tournaments to impact our area economically.
Achieving this goal to create an Elite atmosphere not only for our athletes but for the community comes at no small task.
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863 elite event center is a full non-profit entity
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